Data encryption

  • Data encryption translates the data into another code, so that only people with access to a secret key or password can read it.
  • Encrypted data is commonly referred to as cipher text, while not encrypted data is called as plain text.
  • Encryption is one of the most popular and effective data security methods used by organizations.
  • While transferring the data through a unsafe environment like Internet it is protected by using a algorithm called encryption algorithm.
  • During the process they use the key to protect the data from attacks like random trail.
  • If the key is lengthy then the data is more protected and the computing is also more.
  • There are mainly two types of data encryption:
  1. Symmetric encryption and 
  2. Asymmetric encryption.

Symmetric Encryption:

  • In symmetric encryption the key used during the encryption and key used during decryption both are same.
  • The person who encrypted data send the key to person who decrypting the data after sending the data safely.

Asymmetric key encryption:

  • It is a type of encryption where the key during encryption and key used during decryption are different.
  • The key used during decryption is called public key and key used during encryption is called private key.

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