
  • Compression decreases the memory of the file may be image or a video.
  • We have compression for data to occupy less memory.
  • Data compression is nothing but storing the huge data in a format that it occupies less space.
  • We have software for the data compression.
  • By using this software we can compress the data like image, videos, audio, text etc.,
  • Zipped file looks like this.
  • Compress the file or data while transmission in web to decrease time.
  • Compress the data while storing the data in huge so we get some space.
  • Codecs are used to compress the data of the images and videos to occupy less space in the disk.
  • By decreasing the size of the file it is easy to transfer to file through Internet.
  • Generally images and videos are compressed by using codecs to upload them in web sites.

  • Compression done by codecs are divided into lossy and lossless compression.
  • Lossless compression is used to retrieve the original data after decompressing the compressed file like image or video.
  • Lossy compression decreases the quality of the image by decreasing the resolution and size of the image file.

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